How can China's rural governance and agricultural production development embrace the "Internet Plus" development mode? How will the emergence of new business forms help China's rural areas contribute to the development of China's economy? In response to these questions, Chen Jing, director of Research Center for Technology Innovation and professor at School of Economics and Management of Tsinghua University, pointed out in the latest W.E. Talk that cyber governance will greatly improve the social effectiveness of rural governance, attracting more entities to join the governance process.
He further added that by empowering agricultural production, e-commerce and rural tourism, internet technologies will help the rural economy achieve better development. (Xue Lingqiao)
" />祝青桥大使致辞表示,两国元首日前就中巴关系未来发展达成新的战略共识,签署并发表联合声明,宣布将中巴关系提升为携手构建更公正世界和更可持续星球的中巴命运共同体聊斋志异2,决定将共建“一带一路”倡议同巴西发展战略对接。中巴合作高质量发展,教育是先导,科技是支撑。中巴家庭农业机械化科技小院是落实两国元首共识、推进“一带一路”倡议与巴西发展战略对接的实际举措。期待双方按照两国元首指明的方向,朝着携手构建中巴命运共同体方向不断迈进。