




类型:台湾 其他 美国 大陆 


更新时间:2024年11月16日 23:58

原标题:美国前财长警告:若特朗普兑现承诺 将引发数十年未见的“通胀危机”

涉事国企招聘公示显示,企业直播运营总监岳某某系1997年出生,毕业于左权中学。岳某某称“当时家里条件特别困难就没上大学,在外面干自媒体直播”。涉事公司董事长称,岳某某是能够招到的人里“比较优秀的” ,就他一人报名招聘岗位。此事受关注后,将会再核查岳某某材料的真实性。记者注意到左权融媒发布的招聘公告、结果公示现已被删除。

原标题:绍伊古以新身份访华 参观中国航展

Brazilian leading business magazine EXAME Editor-in-chief Lucas Amorim and Editor in macroeconomics Luciano Pádua recently talked about the cooperation between Brazil and China in an interview with China News Network as this year marks the 50th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relationship between the two countries.

Amorim mentioned that he had been to China four times and visited several Chinese technology companies. He noted that Chinese companies offer excellent products and technologies, with many already leading the Brazilian market in sectors including electric vehicles.

Pádua highlighted the challenges of cultural exchange between Brazil and China, stressing that promoting cultural exchange and mutual understanding between the two nations can strengthen cooperation between their peoples.(Gong Weiwei)